Waldronweb My Favourite Recipes

Danish Gryderet
Gryderet is Danish for casserole. This is my pork casserole based on a Danish influence.
It combines a mix of pork flavours for a delicious supper dish.
Best cooked in a cast iron casserole that can be started on the hob and then transferred to the oven
Serves 4
Preparation 10mins, then 40 minutes cooking

500g Diced pork
200g smoked lardons or bacon pieces
250g cocktail size frankfurter sausages
1 Red pepper, chopped into chunks
1 large onion, chopped into chunks
Tin of chopped tomatoes
200ml stock
seasoned floor for dusting pork

1. Fry the lardons, them remove retaining the fat in the casserole.
2. Coat the diced pork in seasoned flour and brown in the fat.
3. Add all the ingredients to the Casserole, mix well and bring to a simmer.
4. Transfer to a pre-heated oven (180°C / gas mark 4) cook for 40 minutes. Can be left for longer without spoiling
5. Serve with Pasta or boiled potatoes