Waldronweb My Favourite Recipes

Smoked Salmon Oeuf en Cocotte
A really tasty starter or light lunch dish
works equally well with lardons, ham or chorizo instead of salmon
Serves 4
Preparation Time 5 minutes
Cooking time 25 minutes

200gr Fromage Frais Goat's cheese
4 eggs
150 gr Smoked Salmon diced
4 tbsp cream
Butter to grease Ramekins


Preheat the oven to 180c
Lightly grease 4 Ramekins with Butter
Mix the smoked Salmon and Cheese together
Share the mixture between the Ramekins
smooth with the back of a teaspoon and make a small dip in the centre
Break an egg into each ramekin so that the yolk sits in the dip
Pour a tablespoon of cream over the egg
Season with the slt and Pepper
Place the ramekins on a baking tray
Bake for 25 minutes or until the egg white is firm